Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 Things your dentist wishes you knew...

1. Soda is one of the worst products for teeth because of the way it erodes enamel. Diet soda is still bad for your teeth because it contains acids. Regular soda damages teeth even further by dumping all that sugar on top of eroded enamel.

2. Just because you feel no pain, it does not mean that you do not have any dental problems. People with diabetes and high cholesterol have no pain, but we all know those conditions can cause major health problems. It’s the same with your teeth; dental problems might not cause any pain until it is too late.

 3. There really is no such thing as “soft teeth”. Teeth are all about the same degree of hardness. Some people do get more decay than others, but it has to do with the type of bacteria in their mouths and their food and drink choices more than anything else.

 4. Studies show that the eyes are the first thing people notice about a person, teeth are second, and hair is third.

5. The radiation in a set of dental x-rays is very small. Using the oldest xray equipment around the dose is about 4 mrem. Many offices today use faster films or digital x-rays which reduce radiation by a factor of 30-75%, the average dose across the board being about 2 mrem per intraoral film. The average person gets about 360 mrem per year just from sources of radiation like food, flying, outer space, other people, cooking with natural gas, brick buildings, etc.

6. The bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities can be spread from mother/father to baby through saliva. If you have these conditions, it is best to not share eating utensils with children. If you taste your baby's food and feed him from the same spoon, you are putting him at risk.

7. If you want to reduce decay causing bacteria in your mouth, chewing xylitol gum helps. Check out labels though - the chewing gum with xylitol high on the ingredients list will be better for you.

8. Many parents think that baby teeth are not important because they fall out anyway. Baby teeth hold space for the permanent teeth and premature loss of baby teeth can lead to major orthodontic problems.

9. Mouthwash with alcohol is bad for oral tissues. Using it daily can put you in the same risk category for oral cancer as an alcoholic. Look for mouthwashes that do not have alcohol or use them less often.

10. Toothpaste alone can’t really whiten your teeth. It can remove minor surface stain with good brushing but if you want whiter teeth, you have to use a bleaching system.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Things that make you go EEWWWWWW!

• Newborn babies aren’t born with bacteria in their mouths. Parents and caregivers “infect” the baby with decay causing bacteria by kissing them, tasting their food, checking bottle temperatures with their mouths, etc.

• People who drink 3 glasses of soda pop daily have a 62% higher rate of decay. This also applies to drinks like fruit drinks, juice boxes, and sports drinks. They ALL have sugar. Pop just has the double whammy of sugar and acid.

• Make sure to replace your toothbrush after being sick. You can re-infect yourself with the microbes that survive on your toothbrush. Don’t let your toothbrush touch other toothbrushes in the stand or in the drawer, that’s another way bacteria is spread.

• 33% of Americans have untreated tooth decay. That decay causing bacteria is transmittable via kissing and sharing of utensils.

• 32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers. Give your co-workers a break; brush and floss at least a couple of times daily. Don’t forget to brush your tongue too. The tongue harbors lots of bacteria and is the major source of bad breath. Make an appointment to see your dentist to rule out decay and gum disease as the source of bad breath (halitosis).

• You know how gross your teeth feel when you don’t brush? That’s how gross they are in between if you never floss. If you need any encouragement to floss, notice the smell when you floss. Do you really want to leave all that bacteria in your mouth?

• 75% of Americans have some form of periodontal (gum) disease. It can range from very mild (gingivitis) to severe – all forms are caused by noxious bacteria that contribute to bad breath. Your dentist and dental hygienist are the sources to help you win the battle with gum disease. Most people are unaware of how bad the odor from gum disease is and how it affects their relationships.

• You shouldn’t brush your teeth or store your toothbrush within 6 feet of a toilet. Airborne particles from the flush can travel up to 6 feet.

• The original toothbrushes were made from hog’s bristles. Can you imagine brushing with THAT?

• 2% of people polled do not brush their teeth AT ALL. EVER.

Now that you are totally grossed out, go brush and floss. And make a dental appointment if it has been a while since you have seen a dentist. Those around you will appreciate it!